

Larakits supports both Recurring Billing and One-Time Charge. Currently, Larakits uses FastSpring as payment provider. If you do not have FastSpring account, create your account before moving to configuration section.


Once you created your FastSpring account, you can create API Credentials under Integrations > API Credentials from your FastSpring dashboard. After that, open .env file of your application and populate the FASTSPRING_USERNAME, FASTSPRING_PASSWORD, FASTSPRING_STORE_ID, FASTSPRING_SUB_DIRECTORY_STORE_ID environment variable values.

You will get your FASTSPRING_STORE_ID and FASTSPRING_SUB_DIRECTORY_STORE_ID from Storefronts > Popup Storefronts > PLACE ON YOUR WEBSITE. When you click the PLACE ON YOUR WEBSITE, a modal will popup. You will see a line similar to data-storefront="" where FASTSPRING_STORE_ID will be your store ID and FASTSPRING_SUB_DIRECTORY_STORE_ID your sub directory ID.


You must configure your webhook on FastSpring. The webhook will be /webhook/fastspring URI.

To configure your webhook, go to Integrations > Webhooks > Add New Webhook from your FastSpring dashboard. Here's the list of event types you need to configure:

  • order.completed
  • subscription.activated
  • subscription.deactivated
  • subscription.canceled
  • subscription.updated
  • subscription.charge.completed
  • subscription.charge.failed

Make sure you write a secret key in the form field of HMAC SHA256 Secret when you provide the webhook URL. Also populate the same secret key for FASTSPRING_HMAC_SECRET environment variable value in .env file of your application.


Larakits sends email to user when registration is complete, trial period is over, and new invoice is created. So you have to configure your mail setting from .env.

Recurring Billing

By default, Larakits configured recurring billing when you created new project via Larakits installer. You will get the configuration in the booted method of App\Providers\LarakitsServiceProvider class.

Larakits recurring billing is configured for 7 days trial. You may change the trial days as your wish by calling trialDays method of Larakits instance:


You may use onTrial method of user instance to know if the user is on trial period:


One-Time Charge

You may want to start your project with one-time charge or swap your recurring billing to one-time charge for a certain period of time usecase: Lifetime Deals Campaign for 15 days. Larakits offers a painless way to do this by calling oneTimeCharge method of Larakits instance:


In general, Larakits will not redirect your user to any page after the purchase is complete. You can change this behaviour by calling Larakits::redirectAfterPurchase method in the booted method of App\Providers\LarakitsServiceProvider class:


Configuring User Billing Plans

In the booted method of App\Providers\LarakitsServiceProvider, you will see three plans are defined. One free and two paid plans. You will see both paid plans has a unique ID larakits-test-1 and larakits-test-2. These are dummy IDs and matched with FastSpring Subscription ID. You have to change it with your own subscription ID that you will create on your own FastSpring account.

One thing keep in mind that for the one-time charge you have to use FastSpring Product ID instead of Subscription ID

Defining Monthly Plan

The Plan method of Larakits instance accepts two arguments. The first argument is the name of your plan that will be displayed on pricing table on subscription or purchase page. The second argument is the ID of your FastSpring subscription or product ID:

Larakits::plan('Pro', 'monthly-pro')
                'Feature 1',
                'Feature 2',
                'Feature 3',
                'Feature 4'

All the features name defined by you will be displayed on the subscription or purchase page under the plan name. Obviously you are free to include as many plans you want.

For the one-time charge you may pass sub-plan name for your plan. By calling for method of plan instance:

Larakits::plan('Personal', 'personal-license')
           ->for('Single Site')
               'Feature 1',
               'Feature 2',
               'Feature 3',
               'Feature 4'

The sub-plan name will be shown as $99/Single Site.

Defining Yearly Plan

You may define your yearly plan by simply calling yearly method:

Larakits::plan('Pro', 'yearly-pro')
                'Feature 1',
                'Feature 2',
                'Feature 3',
                'Feature 4'

Configuring Team Billing Plans

You may wish to charge your user based on team. Where a team can subscribe to a subscription plan or purchase a product for their team members. It will allow team owners to separate each project from each team. For an example, a user may want to subscribe or purchase a “Pro” plan for a business team along with having a “Personal” plan for his own.

The team billing configuration process is straight forward. All you need to do is, call the team billing related methods in the booted method of App\Providers\LarakitsServiceProvider.


                'Feature 1',
                'Feature 2',
                'Feature 3',
                'Feature 4'

Larakits::teamPlan('Pro', 'monthly-pro')
                'Feature 1',
                'Feature 2',
                'Feature 3',
                'Feature 4'

One-Time Charge

You can offer your team one-time charge instead of recurring billing.



You also need to include Larakits\CanJoinTeam trait into your \App\User model. Please read the teams documentation for details.


You may apply coupon on a plan by calling coupon method of plan instance:

Larakits::plan('Pro', 'monthly-pro')
                'Feature 1',
                'Feature 2',
                'Feature 3',
                'Feature 4'

Before applying coupon, make sure you create coupon from Coupons > Create Coupon from your FastSpring Dashboard.


Larakits registers subscribed and purchased middleware in the app/Http/Kernel.php file while creating new project.

If you want to configure recurring billing for your application, use subscribed middleware. Otherwise purchased middleware.

Subscribed Middleware

The subscribed middleware is used for preventing access to a route if the user is not already subscribed, by default Larakits will redirect them to the subscription page:

Route::middleware('subscribed')->get('/projects', function() {

In case of specifying the plan name to prevent access of a route from a user, you can follow the below format:

Route::middleware('subscribed:monthly-pro')->get('/projects', function() {

If your application is using Team Billing, you may want to prevent access to a route if the team is not already subscribed by using teamSubscribed middleware.

Route::middleware('teamSubscribed')->get('/projects', function() {

In case of specifying the plan name to prevent access of a route from a team, you can follow the below format:

Route::middleware('teamSubscribed:monthly-pro')->get('/projects', function() {

Purchased Middleware

The purchased middleware is used for preventing access to a route if the user has not already purchased your product. By default Larakits will redirect them to the purchase page:

Route::middleware('purchased')->get('/courses', function() {

To specify the plan name to prevent access of a route to a user, you can follow the below format:

Route::middleware('purchased:personal-license')->get('/courses', function() {

If your application is using Team Billing, you may want to prevent access to a route if the team has not already purchased your product by using teamPurchased middleware.

Route::middleware('teamPurchased')->get('/courses', function() {

In case of specifying the plan name to prevent access of a route from a team, you can follow the below format:

Route::middleware('teamPurchased:personal-license')->get('/courses', function() {

Customization Currency

You may change default currency by calling useCurrency method of Larakits\Larakits class:


Optionally, you may override FastSpring currency by Storefronts > Popup Storefronts > More > Languages and Currencies > Override Store Currencies from your FastSpring dashboard.


Larakits dispatches many events when processing billings. All the events listed below are also registered in the $listen array of the App\Providers\EventServiceProvider class:

Event Description
Larakits\Events\Subscription\TrialPeriodExpired A user’s trial period was expired
Larakits\Events\Subscription\UserSubscribed A user was subscribed
Larakits\Events\Subscription\SubscriptionUpdated A user’s subscription was updated
Larakits\Events\Subscription\SubscriptionCancelled A user’s subscription was cancelled
Larakits\Events\Subscription\InvoiceCreated Invoice is created for a user
Larakits\Events\Profile\ContactInformationUpdated A user’s contact information was updated
Larakits\Events\Plan\Purchased A user purchased a product

Larakits dispatches many team subscription related events when processing team billings. All the events listed below are also registered in the $listen array of the App\Providers\EventServiceProvider class:

Event Description
Larakits\Events\Team\Subscription\TrialPeriodExpired A team’s trial period was expired
Larakits\Events\Team\Subscription\TeamSubscribed A team was subscribed
Larakits\Events\Team\Subscription\SubscriptionUpdated A team’s subscription was updated
Larakits\Events\Team\Subscription\SubscriptionCancelled A team’s subscription was cancelled
Larakits\Events\Team\Subscription\InvoiceCreated Invoice is created for a team
Larakits\Events\Team\Plan\Purchased A team purchased a product